
$99 Rapid Start Program

Looking For a Weight Loss Boost? The Rapid Start Program May Be For You!

Many people attempt weight loss programs without the help of a dedicated medical professional. Often, they will engage in dangerous crash diets or worse, unmonitored medication that can put your body in a tail-spin. Although crash diets and over-the-counter supplements can produce results, the damage they do to your metabolism will leave you scratching your head when you end up gaining all of the weight back and then some once the dieting and supplements have stopped!

Our rapid start program is designed specifically for those who need a helping hand with boosting their progress on weight loss goals. We monitor your progress and help you to stay within a healthy range of weight loss.


Our $99.00 Rapid Start Program includes:

Complete Initial Medical Evaluation & Blood Work

2 Metabolite Injections to Aid Fat Burning

2 Weeks of Appetite Control/Weight Loss Medication

2 Body Composition Analyses


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